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Online JSON Validator

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A Simple and Concise JSON Example

2  "name": "John Doe",
3  "age": 30,
4  "address": {
5    "street": "123 Main Street",
6    "city": "Any town",
7    "state": "CA",
8    "zip": "12345"
9  },
10  "phone_numbers": [
11    "(555) 555-1212",
12    "(555) 555-1234"
13  ],
14  "hobbies": [
15    "reading",
16    "hiking",
17    "photography"
18  ],
19  "pets": [
20    {
21      "name": "Fido",
22      "type": "Dog",
23      "breed": "Golden Retriever"
24    },
25    {
26      "name": "Mittens",
27      "type": "Cat",
28      "breed": "Persian"
29    }
30  ],
31  "random_data": [
32    69,
33    91,
34    50
35  ]

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What is JSON Validator?

JSON validator is an online tool that helps to check if a provided JSON code is valid and well-formed according to the JSON standard.

How can i use this tool?

You can just paste or load it from a JSON file and see the magic.

How does it perform JSON validation?

It verifies your JSON content according to JS standards and notifies you if notice any error—which can occur for a variety of reasons such as lack of attention.

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